A Professional Web Design Can Make A Right First Impression

Often the first impression of the customers for your brand can be formed with the help of website design. Customers in today’s scenario are even doing online research for offline brick and mortar business that depends on the local foot traffic. List of website design companies in Kolkata are available for you to find out the best professional web designer for making your business website. Here, you can find some important factors of website design is that can influence the selection or rejection of the products of your brand.



Simple navigation is always preferred: 

If the customers can find what they are looking for while they visit your site, without having to click for several times, it is always great. A clear and simple navigation menu can always help visitors to find what they are looking for in just a few clicks.

An eye-catching design:

 An attractive design with the use of proper colors and images can be pleasing to the eye and if you can align your brand with the design it can be very helpful for promoting your business. Professional web designers know how to make the right balance between the attractive design and the content that are quick to load and are easy to read.

Informative contents: 

You should always try to make sure that the contents available on your website are informative and are helpful to the visitors to understand about your product and services better. Use of relevant keywords can be used to find your brand easily online by the customers.


Both the site structure and the contents must be optimized for important search engines like Google. When you engage a professional web designer, it will be possible to implement good SEO strategies that can help the customers to find your products online easily. You can find good web design and development company who are conversant with SEO practices and know the latest algorithms used by search engines to rank the websites.

Things To Consider Before You Buy A Domain Name

When you are determined to create your online presence, one of the most important decisions that you need to make is to choose a domain name. The correct domain name of your website is essential both for your target audience and search engines. Of course, you can pick any domain registration company in Kolkata. But before that, there are some tips that you can follow to choose the best domain name.


  • Do your homework

When you are in the process of searching for domain registration company, it is better that you land up in the market after doing a bit of research work. Find out similar sites and check who your competitors are and what their domain names are. You can also browse available domains by keywords or simple domain names.

  • Buy domains that are easy to type and remember

Check out which domains have already been sold last, for how much they have been sold and who is the web hosting broker. Domains which are popular will have more public resale value. Searching by keywords will make things easy for you.

  • Buy a domain that is shorter

Remember, the longer is your domain name, the more difficult it is for people to understand. Hence, you have the most chance of visitors misspelling your domain name. Therefore, you lose the chance of getting attention. Think of a domain name that is a part of your brand and matches people’s mentality.

  • Stick with .com if you can

Most people remember a domain name easily that ends with .com. So if you attach some other extensions it will be difficult for people to recall. However, there are several sites that have done well without .com as well. So, you can take a risk too!